强强联手的企业联合集团ALsistem:来自意大利的技术再循环生产链ARMONIAINCANTOINVISIONATHURALUCE平开窗ARMONIA-SINVISIO-SNATHURA-S推拉窗栏杆遮阳棚保温性能隔音性能防范入室盗窃的安全措施铝合金平开系统铝合金推拉系统铝木复合平开系统铝木复合推拉系统幕墙系统百叶系统内门系统外门系统遮阳系统生物气候京棚系统THEMOPOSA安装系统BIM模型COMPLESSO VISTAVERDE公司COMPLESSO RESIDENZIALE 住宅Libreria pubblical图书馆villa tea borgomanert 酒店complesso ex-ceat公司Castello Arabo Normanno戈尔福海堡蓬塔诺德伊斯特酒店palazzo breeze别墅casa hollywood好莱坞之家酒店Teatro I Sassi剧院hotel le anfore安乐福酒店villa remida别墅palazzetto dello sport罗马小体育宫complesso commerciale商业cittadella dei giovani城堡Palazzo Nuovo卡比托利欧博物馆新宫villa sul lago di como酒店花园别墅Villa Ranieri别墅complesso residenziale住宅Sede inpsCastello dii castiglioncello城堡istitututo scolastico 学校complesso residenziale公寓式酒店villa sul lago di  como别墅casa signorelli餐厅ss trinitasede olma公司La casa tra gli alleri别墅酒店Grand Hotel Balestrieri巴雷斯蒂尔利大酒店Villa Marforio别墅酒店Villa Private Romagnano Sesia别墅Istituto Scolasticoi学院Nautilus酒店ALsistem艾尔系统欧洲案例(部分)ALsistem艾尔系统国内工程案例(部分)Alsistem艾尔.国内豪宅更新案例(部分)

Burglaries are unfortunately increasingly common but a a few simple precautions can make your home more secure. First of all, be alert: thief will take advantage of simple things that we often forget about like a window left open or the keys left under the doormat. Second of all, put in place security systems that you can trust to limit the risk of any intrusion and to feel safer both inside and outside of your home.
防盗窗户 Burglar-Proof Windows
使用这个小工具,小偷能够快速而安静地进入房屋。 我们的防盗窗户为防止此类入侵提供了有效的屏障。

Most burglaries are carried out by breaking open a window using a screwdriver: using this small tool, the thief is able to quickly and quietly get into the house. Our burglar-proof windows offer an effective barrier against such intrusion. What are burglar-proof windows? Burglar-proof windows are equipped with special features that render them more secure and resistant to break-ins: anti-theft hardware, anti-lever security system, burglar-proof locks.
防盗性能类别 Burglar Resistance Categories
对防盗性进行分类的标准是UNI EN 1627:2011,其性能范围从RC1到RC6。具体类别如下:

RC1:必须抵抗仅使用身体力量的入室盗窃未遂; RC2:必须能够抵抗使用简单工具的入室盗窃,抵抗持续时间为3分钟; RC3:必须能够抵抗配备撬棍或长螺丝刀的专家防盗,并且抵抗持续时间为 5 分钟; RC4:必须能够抵抗高度专业且装备精良的窃贼,并且抵抗持续时间为 10 分钟; RC5:必须能够抵抗配备电钻或钢锯等电动工具的防盗,并且抵抗持续时间为 15 分钟; RC6:必须能够抵抗配备重型工具的防盗,并且抵抗持续时间为 20 分钟。

he standard that classifies burglar resistance is the UNI EN 1627:2011 with categories ranging in terms of performance from RC1 to RC6.In detail the categories are as follows: RC1: must be resistant to attempted burglaries using only physical force; RC2: must be resistant to burglaries using simple tools and have a resistance duration of 3 minutes; RC3: must be resistant to an expert burglar equipped with a crowbar or a long screwdriver and have a resistance duration of 5 minutes; RC4: must be resistant to a highly expert and well-equipped burglar and have a resistance duration of 10 minutes; RC5: must be resistant to a burglar equipped also with electric tools such as drills or hacksaws and have a resistance duration of 15 minutes; RC6: must be resistant to a burglar equipped with heavy tools and have a resistance duration of 20 minutes.

Being able to sleep soundly and count on secure windows is a consideration as important as that of good thermoacoustic efficiency when choosing a window. Your home security should never be overlooked when shopping for windows.
Principe s.r.l. Calabria
Sael s.r.l. Puglia
Meral s.p.a Campania, Basilicata
Marini s.p.a Sardegna,
Fresia Alluminio s.p.a. Piemonte, Liguria, Valle d'Aosta
Ferroedilizia s.r.l. Toscana
EdilSider s.p.a. Sicilia
Aluroma Metalli s.r.l. Lazio
Alca s.r.l. Lombardia e Triveneto

ALsistem HK limited P.R.C., Taiwan,Hong Kong, Macao

EdilSider s.p.a. Sicilia
CMP s.r.l. Marche
Aluroma Metalli s.r.l. Lazio

Alca s.r.l. Lombardia e Triveneto

ALsistem HK limited P.R.C., Taiwan,Hong Kong, Macao